
fash·ion [fash-uhn]


1. a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.

2. the make or form of anything.

3. a kind; sort.

femme [ˈfem]


1. a woman.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I was asked the other day, "Can I wear peep-toe booties in fall?"
And my answer was a loud "HELL YES!"

Peep-toe booties are an awesome way to transition from summer to fall.
But, they are also great in the fall and winter with opaque tights or leggings!
Us ladies spend time making our toes pretty with pedis, so why not continue
to flash those tootsies in fall/winter?!

Peep-toe booties come in a myriad of styles from dressy to casual.
Dressy, patent leather booties

Rock n' roll funky booties - Note the leather jacket inspired details

Simple, elegant booties (great for dressy or casual)

Trendy, colorful booties

I always try to recommend a pair that can be dressed up or down before a statement bootie.

For a good casual fall outfit with a bootie, try this:
Gray slouchy sweater and black leggings

Gray suede peep-toe booties
I have this exact outfit and wear it all fall/winter long! It's easy, cute, casual, and with the right accessories, it can be dressy! 
Add a great pair of monochromatic sparkly earrings like these:
and a wrist full of those silver bangles we talked about in an earlier post:

and voilà!
A cute, dressy casual get-up!
(Not to mention SO comfy!)

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